VO2 Max Testing in Melbourne (60 Minutes)


VO₂ Max testing is a physiological test used to determine measure your aerobic fitness. A VO₂ max test determines your body's maximum ability to take up, transport and utilise oxygen. Basically, it determines how much work/power output your body can complete aerobically, with a higher value indicating that more work can be done. It is a key performance indicator for endurance sports such as triathlon, cycling, running, swimming, rowing and cross country skiing due to its crucial role in endurance performance.

Lactate analysis is a useful add-on as it helps to identify your training zones so you can make sure you are training at the optimal intensity during each session.


Understanding and improving your VO₂ max is particularly important in endurance events lasting more than 2 minutes, as a larger VO₂ max directly correlates to better performance. The more energy we can create with oxygen, the less fatiguing lactic acid we create, meaning you can work at a higher intensity without fatiguing.

During this test, you will:

  • Find your VO2 max.

  • Learn YOUR individualised heart rate/power/pace training zones (not the generic 220-age stuff which doesn't work) so you can maximise your training effectiveness (5 hours specifically is more effective than 15 hours generally).

  • Identify your physiological strengths and weaknesses (and how to turn your weaknesses into strengths).

What's Involved in a VO2 Max Test?

This is an incremental exercise test, which means we start at a low intensity and gradually increase the intensity every 1, 3, or 5 minutes until you reach exhaustion or a pre-agreed upon finishing point. We will choose the appropriate ramp protocol based on your goals. Your oxygen consumption, heart rate, power output, ventilation, and energy expenditure data is recorded constantly throughout the exercise test. 

We have 2 appointment options to choose from: VO2 max only, or VO2 max & lactate analysis. If you’re only interested in obtaining your VO2 max value, the standard appointment is all you need. If you’re interested in your VO2 max value but also your training zones and physiological strengths & weaknesses, we recommend adding lactate analysis to your appointment. You can do this by clicking the “book online” button at the top/bottom of this page and clicking the “lactate analysis” add on. If you’re unsure if you want this, we can always add this on the day based on your goals. 95% of athletes add lactate analysis for the extra information it provides.

We offer treadmill, stationary bike or rowing ergometry options to undertake the test. 

What You Get from VO2 Max Testing?

  • A full digital copy of your results including a video walk-through explaining what all the data means.

  • An easy to understand interpretation of your results and how to use your training zones.

  • A detailed summary report with all of your results including heart rate and power/pace training zones and graphs will be emailed to you within 3 days of testing. This includes a 'strengths', 'areas for improvement' and 'summary/notes' section.


Please wear comfortable exercise clothing and bring a pair of runners, a towel, and drink bottle. Prior to the test, you should be well rested by avoiding strenuous physical activity in the preceding 24 hours, be well hydrated, and motivated to exercise maximally. Try to avoid large meals in the 2-3 hours leading up to the test, and try to simulate your race day nutrition preparation.

If scheduling a follow-up test, try to book in at a similar time and attempt to follow an identical preparation in the lead up to the test. This will improve the reliability of the test and more accurately determine your fitness improvements.

Next Steps After Your Melbourne VO2 Max Test

Now that you have your individualised training zones, you are able to train and race more effectively. METS Performance Consulting recommends retesting every 3-6 months to gauge your improvement and reassess your training zones. Your best option for year-round testing is our 4-test package option.


If you’re unsure if his test is best for you, simply fill in the form below and tell us a bit about your background or what you’re hoping to achieve from a testing session. We’ll get back to you same or next business day.